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MLC530 Series Safety Light Curtain Replacement

MLC530 Series 90 mm Resolution 20 m Sensing Distance 450 mm to 3000 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

MLC530 Series 90 mm Resolution 20 m Sensing Distance 450 mm to 3000 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

DADISICK is a professional manufacturer of safety sensors with solid product manufacturing capabilities.

Model:MLC530 Series | MLC500T90-450, MLC530R14-392, MLC500T90-600, MLC530R14-393, MLC500T90-750, MLC530R14-394, MLC500T90-900, MLC530R14-395, MLC500T90-1050, MLC530R14-396, MLC500T90-1200, MLC530R14-397, MLC500T90-1350, MLC530R14-398, MLC500T90-1500, MLC530R14-399, MLC500T90-1650, MLC530R14-400, MLC500T90-1800, MLC530R14-401, MLC500T90-1950, MLC530R14-402, MLC500T90-2100, MLC530R14-403, MLC500T90-2250, MLC530R14-404, MLC500T90-2400, MLC530R14-405, MLC500T90-2550, MLC530R14-406, MLC500T90-2700, MLC530R14-407, MLC500T90-2850, MLC530R14-408, MLC500T90-3000, MLC530R14-409

MLC530 Series 40 mm Resolution 20 m Sensing Distance 3000 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

MLC530 Series 40 mm Resolution 20 m Sensing Distance 3000 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

DADISICK is a professional manufacturer of safety sensors with solid product manufacturing capabilities.

Model:MLC530 Series | MLC500T40-3000, MLC530R14-391

MLC530 Series 40 mm Resolution 20 m Sensing Distance 150 mm to 2850 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

MLC530 Series 40 mm Resolution 20 m Sensing Distance 150 mm to 2850 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

DADISICK is a professional manufacturer of safety sensors with solid product manufacturing capabilities.

Model:MLC530 Series | MLC500T40-150, MLC530R14-371, MLC500T40-225, MLC530R14-372, MLC500T40-300, MLC530R14-373, MLC500T40-450, MLC530R14-374, MLC500T40-600, MLC530R14-375, MLC500T40-750, MLC530R14-376, MLC500T40-900, MLC530R14-377, MLC500T40-1050, MLC530R14-378, MLC500T40-1200, MLC530R14-379, MLC500T40-1350, MLC530R14-380, MLC500T40-1500, MLC530R14-381, MLC500T40-1650, MLC530R14-382, MLC500T40-1800, MLC530R14-383, MLC500T40-1950, MLC530R14-384, MLC500T40-2100, MLC530R14-385, MLC500T40-2250, MLC530R14-386, MLC500T40-2400, MLC530R14-387, MLC500T40-2550, MLC530R14-388, MLC500T40-2700, MLC530R14-389, MLC500T40-2850, MLC530R14-390

MLC530 Series 30 mm Resolution 10 m Sensing Distance 300 mm to 900 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

MLC530 Series 30 mm Resolution 10 m Sensing Distance 300 mm to 900 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

DADISICK is a professional manufacturer of safety sensors with solid product manufacturing capabilities.

Model:MLC530 Series | MLC500T30-300/V, MLC530R14-366, MLC500T30-450/V, MLC530R14-367, MLC500T30-600/V, MLC530R14-368, MLC500T30-750/V, MLC530R14-369, MLC500T30-900/V, MLC530R14-370

MLC530 Series 30 mm Resolution 10 m Sensing Distance 3000 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

MLC530 Series 30 mm Resolution 10 m Sensing Distance 3000 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

DADISICK is a professional manufacturer of safety sensors with solid product manufacturing capabilities.

Model:MLC530 Series | MLC500T30-3000, MLC530R14-365

MLC530 Series 30 mm Resolution 10 m Sensing Distance 150 mm to 2850 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

MLC530 Series 30 mm Resolution 10 m Sensing Distance 150 mm to 2850 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

DADISICK is a professional manufacturer of safety sensors with solid product manufacturing capabilities.

Model:MLC530 Series | MLC500T30-150, MLC530R14-345, MLC500T30-225, MLC530R14-346, MLC500T30-300, MLC530R14-347, MLC500T30-450, MLC530R14-348, MLC500T30-600, MLC530R14-349, MLC500T30-750, MLC530R14-350, MLC500T30-900, MLC530R14-351, MLC500T30-1050, MLC530R14-352, MLC500T30-1200, MLC530R14-353, MLC500T30-1350, MLC530R14-354, MLC500T30-1500, MLC530R14-355, MLC500T30-1650, MLC530R14-356, MLC500T30-1800, MLC530R14-357, MLC500T30-1950, MLC530R14-358, MLC500T30-2100, MLC530R14-359, MLC500T30-2250, MLC530R14-360, MLC500T30-2400, MLC530R14-361, MLC500T30-2550, MLC530R14-362, MLC500T30-2700, MLC530R14-363, MLC500T30-2850, MLC530R14-364

MLC530 Series 20 mm Resolution 15 m Sensing Distance 3000 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

MLC530 Series 20 mm Resolution 15 m Sensing Distance 3000 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

DADISICK is a professional manufacturer of safety sensors with solid product manufacturing capabilities.

Model:MLC530 Series | MLC500T20-3000, MLC530R14-344

MLC530 Series 20 mm Resolution 15 m Sensing Distance 150 mm to 2850 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

MLC530 Series 20 mm Resolution 15 m Sensing Distance 150 mm to 2850 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

DADISICK is a professional manufacturer of safety sensors with solid product manufacturing capabilities.

Model:MLC530 Series | MLC500T20-150, MLC530R14-324, MLC500T20-225, MLC530R14-325, MLC500T20-300, MLC530R14-326, MLC550T20-450, MLC530R14-327, MLC500T20-600, MLC530R14-328, MLC500T20-750, MLC530R14-329, MLC500T20-900, MLC530R14-330, MLC500T20-1050, MLC530R14-331, MLC500T20-1200, MLC530R14-332, MLC500T20-1350, MLC530R14-333, MLC500T20-1500, MLC530R14-334, MLC500T20-1650, MLC530R14-335, MLC500T20-1800, MLC530R14-336, MLC500T20-1950, MLC530R14-337, MLC500T20-2100, MLC530R14-338, MLC500T20-2250, MLC530R14-339, MLC500T20-2400, MLC530R14-340, MLC500T20-2550, MLC530R14-341, MLC500T20-2700, MLC530R14-342, MLC500T20-2850, MLC530R14-343

MLC530 Series 14 mm Resolution 6 m Sensing Distance 300 mm to 900 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

MLC530 Series 14 mm Resolution 6 m Sensing Distance 300 mm to 900 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

DADISICK is a professional manufacturer of safety sensors with solid product manufacturing capabilities.

Model:MLC530 Series | MLC500T14-300/V, MLC530R14-319, MLC500T14-450/V, MLC530R14-320, MLC500T14-600/V, MLC530R14-321, MLC500T14-750/V, MLC530R14-322, MLC500T14-900/V, MLC530R14-323

MLC530 Series 14 mm Resolution 6 m Sensing Distance 150 mm to 3000 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

MLC530 Series 14 mm Resolution 6 m Sensing Distance 150 mm to 3000 mm Protective Height Safety Light Curtain Replacement

DADISICK is a professional manufacturer of safety sensors with solid product manufacturing capabilities.

Model:MLC530 Series | MLC500T14-150, MLC530R14-150, MLC500T14-300, MLC530R14-300, MLC500T14-450, MLC530R14-450, MLC500T14-600, MLC530T14-600, MLC500T14-750, MLC530R14-750, MLC500T14-900, MLC530R14-900, MLC500T14-1050, MLC530R14-1050, MLC500T14-1200, MLC530R14-1200, MLC500T14-1350, MLC530R14-1350, MLC500T14-1500, MLC530R14-1500, MLC500T14-1650, MLC530R14-1650, MLC500T14-1800, MLC530R14-1800, MLC500T14-1950, MLC530R14-1950, MLC500T14-2100, MLC530R14-2100, MLC500T14-2250, MLC530R14-2250, MLC500T14-2400, MLC530R14-2400, MLC500T14-2550, MLC530R14-2550, MLC500T14-2700, MLC530R14-2700, MLC500T14-2850, MLC530R14-2850, MLC500T14-3000, MLC530R14-3000